GDP spatialization in Henan Province based on multi-source data
Graphical Abstract
With rapid development of social economy, provincial counties as units of GDP data cannot reflect economic differences in different regions of the same county. Therefore, spatialization shave become an important issue in GDP research. In the present work we have studied GDP spatialization in Henan Province from land use, population, DMSP/OLS and GDP statistics. It was found that primary industry GDP (GDP1) had good linear correlation with land use types. Secondary and tertiary industry GDP (GDP2,3) had good correlation with population data and DMSP/OLS data. A composite index (combination of population data and DMSP/OLS data) was found to have significant correlation with GDP2,3 (R=0.949, R2=0.901). Regression model using composite index as dependent variable and GDP2,3 as independent variables were found to improve accuracy of GDP2,3 spatialization. Accuracy verification found that average relative error between simulated value and statistical value was 10.34%. GDP density map could reflect local economy in Henan Province, and this will likely contribute to the study of economic development in the area.