Distribution of Greater Flamingo in China
Graphical Abstract
Since the first record of Greater Flamingo (Phoenicopterus roseus) was made in Xinjiang in 1997, a total of 144 individuals from 54 records in 19 provinces and cities in China have been recorded, sightings were made mainly from September to January (89.6% of individuals, 129 out of 144), with the
majority being juveniles (79.2%, 114 out of 144). These records show similarities with the study of Greater
Flamingo in Southern Europe Individuals were able to migrate along distance; the selection of wintering
grounds varied among juveniles. It is possible that, these Greater Flamingos maybe from nearby breeding
colonies in south and central Asia. Based on the regular wintering records, we suggest that Phoenicopterus
roseus should be transient migrants and are winter visitors in China. According to Max Ent ecological niche
model, the distribution possibilities at Sanjiang, Songnen Plain in Heilongjiang Province, Liaodong Bay in
Liaon ing Province, Hailar and Bayannur in Inner Mongolia and Shandong Peninsula was up to 80%, however
so far there has been no recorded sighing. We would like to predict that the above areas will be the new habitat
of Phoenicopterus roseus over time.