The X-ray properties of BCG in middle red shift
Graphical Abstract
The origin of X-ray emission in Brightest Cluster Galaxy (BCG) is not clear. Both radio jet
model and advection-dominated accretion flows (ADAF) model are possible. It is not clear which modelis
dominant or whether there is any correlation between these two models. However, not all BCG demonstrate X-ray emission.
Therefore, it is important to study X-ray properties of BCG and to elucidate the origin of such X-ray emissions.
We therefore considered the red shift bin, 0.2<z<0.23 and analyzed all 27 clusters (30 BCGs in
total) recorded in Chandra archive. According to S/N ≥3, 6 BCGs showed X-ray emission. No linear
correlation was found between flux and luminosity of X-ray and radio. Our work suggests that neither ADAF
model nor radio jet model dominates in BCG X-ray emission.