Effects of different variables of highway construction on wetland hydrological connectivity
Graphical Abstract
The importance of hydrologic connectivity on wetland ecosystems manifests mainly on
ecosystem integrity, flow conditions, water quality and biodiversity .Better wetland hydrologic connectivity
means stronger self-purification and pollution receiving capacity. Bajiazi road section of Hui wu high way in
Yan bian area was studied. Ground water flow and solute transport mathe matical models based on numerical
simulation were developed with Visual Modflow.Separation effect of high way construction on wetl and
hydrologic connectivity was analyzed. In order to identify the influence degree of different factors in high way
construction on wetland hydrological connectivity, comparative analysis of different factors in highway
construction on hydrological connectivity such as change of the angle between high way route, direction of flow,
roadbed embankment material and formation distribution were measured. Different factors were considered for
the dual purposes to guarantee wetland hydrological connectivity and stability of roadbed,and tofinally confirm
the optimum and protective techniques of hydrologic connectivity of wetland