Interpretation of accelerated expansion of the universe within the framework of averaged inhomogeneous cosmology model is studied in the present work. Combining back reaction effects of dust cosmology model with template metric proposed by Larenaetal., it is concluded that FLRW metric can
accurately describe evolution of the early universe. But after red-shift of up to a
D >0.1, difference between FLRW metric and back reaction model becomes apparent. The cosmological parameters are then constrained with the effective Hubble parameter. Since the exact relation between red-shifts and scale factor is not obtained, one can approximately elect FLRW metric to replace template metric to constrain them. The constraint value
(1σ stat)fits the results of other cosmological models. Cosmological parameters are analyzed using best-fit values. It is found that back reaction effects of the universe can satisfactorily interpret accelerated expansion, so this model is worth while for further exploration.