Statistical characteristics of individual and population mobility networks of urban heavy trucks
Graphical Abstract
Urban heavy trucks are an important part of urban freight transportation system. The study of urban heavy trucks mobility network characteristics is of potential reference value for urban freight transportation system planning and management. Statistical characteristics of heavy trucks mobility networks in four typical cities in China are analyzed in this paper. Using the trip chains extracted from the heavy trucks GPS track data, individual heavy trucks mobility networks are established and then merged into population mobility network. It is found that in individual mobility networks, travel motif composed of connected edges of individual mobility networks has obvious heterogeneity characteristics, the node return steps approximately obey truncated power-law distribution, the node weights approximately obey Zipf’s law, the number of network nodes has sublinear growth characteristics. It is found that in population mobility networks of heavy trucks, node weights approximately obey power-law tail distribution, edge weights approximately obey power-law distribution, mobility distances approximately obey exponential distribution, relationship between edge weights, node weights and distances approximately obeys social gravity law. The underlying mechanisms of these statistical characteristics are analyzed. Theoretical model of reproducing these statistical characteristics, time-varying characteristics analysis of individual and population mobility networks, construction of multi-layer interdependent complex networks of freight systems, etc. are preliminarily discussed.