
Exploring year-to-year cyclical variability on global long time series of clumping index product

  • 摘要: 基于作者所在研究团队研发生产的全球长时序(2001—2019年)、逐月的CI遥感产品,使用傅里叶分解的方法逐像元地对CI的年际周期变化规律进行探究,步骤如下:1)预处理去除数据缺失较多的像元并填补部分缺失较少的像元,以产生相对完整的年际时间序列,预处理筛选出有效研究区占全球植被区面积的75.58%;2)假设CI年际变化可以分解为由多组余弦波信号与随机噪声构成的序列,使用离散傅里叶变换提取时间序列中振幅最大的余弦波(主波),发展了表征CI年际周期(1 a一周期)变化参数指标体系;3)基于模拟数据和部分高质量数据检验了该方法的抗噪性,并将提取结果与MODIS物候产品(MCD12Q2)的1 a物候周期数(NumCycles,NC)及峰值时间(Peak_1)进行对比验证.结果表明:主波周期12(月)像元占比显著大于其他周期像元,占研究区的76.22%,表明CI最显著、最普遍的年周期性变化特征是周期长度12个月的年际变化;在研究区中主波周期等于12(月)区域与物候产品的1 a物候周期(即,NC = 1)高度重合,精度达到96%;对主波周期12月的像元,主波低峰值月与物候产品peak值较接近,全球平均差异为1.37月,且CI低峰值月(即,植被最聚集月份)普遍提前于peak值,说明年周期植被叶片的最聚集状态(即CI的季节变化低峰值)要普遍早于该周期植被叶片的绿度峰值(即物候产品的peak最大值).该研究为理解植被聚集效应的年际周期变化提供了证据.


    Abstract: Vegetation clumping index (CI) is a structural parameter to characterize the spatial clustering degree of vegetation canopy leaves, which plays an important role in extracting other vegetation parameters and in modeling the land surface. Currently, remote sensing CI products has been limited to few multiangular satellite-borne sensors, compared to other remote sensing products (e.g., leaf area index, LAI). Therefore, the study on long time series of CI products still lack. This in return causes the fact that many models do not consider the cyclical variability of CI product in many applications. Based on the global long-time series (2001-2019) and monthly CI products developed and produced by the author’s research team, this paper uses the Fourier decomposition technique to explore the interannual periodic variation of 19-year CI product in a global scale. The methods are as follows: First, the CI product is preprocessed by screening out and smoothening the so-called outliers, and filling the gaps, in order to generate a relatively complete year-to-year time series of CI product with the effective pixel proportion accounting for 75.58% of the vegetation area in the global scale. Assuming that the interannual variation of the time-series CI product can be decomposed into a sequence composed of multiple sets of cosine wave signals with possible additive noise of random distribution, discrete Fourier transform is used to extract the cosine wave with the largest amplitude (main wave) in the time series, which is further used as the main index to characterize the interannual periodic variation frequency, the period and amplitude of main waves (i.e., mT and mA ) is analyzed and further cross-compared with the annual phenological (NumCycles, NC) and peak time (Peak_1) of MODIS phenological products (MCD12Q2). Also, the anti-noise performance of this method is tested using simulation data and high-quality typical CI pixels. The results show that the pixel proportions with mT = 12 are significantly larger than that in other periods, accounting for 76.22% of the study area. This indicates that the interannual variation with the 12-month period length is the most significant among various periodic variations of the CI time frequencies. The validation results show that the period with mT = 12 in the study area highly coincide with the annual phenological period of MODIS phenological products with NC = 1, with the validation accuracy reaching to 96%. For the pixel with mT = 12, the low-peak month of the main wave is close to the peak value of the MODIS phenological product and the average difference between them is about 1.37 months. In general, the low-peak month of CI product (i.e., the month with the most clumping vegetation foliage) is earlier than the peak value of the MODIS phenological product that is probably related to the greenness of vegetation foliage. This implies that the maximum clumping status is probably earlier to maximum greenness status for the vegetation foliage. This study provides evidences for the improved understanding of the interannual periodic variation for vegetation foliage clumping effect.


